Saturday, June 20, 2009

red hots

R-E-D, RED, H-O-T, HOT, Once we start we can't be stopped!! Jalin is having a blast playing fast-pitch this year with the SPYA RED HOTS. She hussles, makes smart plays, and has an awesome swing! Mostly she looks pretty darn cute!!

Pre-game Pep Talk!

Congratulations Brent!!! Brent is the newest Assistant Principal at Washington High School, Franklin Pierce School District! We are so proud of him and all of the hard work that he has put in to get this job, he loves working at WHS (go Pats!!).
He came home after the school board meeting where he was officially voted in, told the kids to go in the backyard so we could celebrate!! He brought home some confetti poppers, pop-its, and other fun things for the kids to help him celebrate. We love you Brent!